The flagship route of the summer: a mineral ride through 15 lakes, very diverse stages including one in a thermal hotel !
3 days/2 nights - €575
August 29 - 30
This itinerary might be transform as Transhumance
From the Boréon… to Italy! The adventure begins in the Mercantour park to reach the Molière valley. The riders move among the larches and the firs. The arrival at the Col de Mercière indicates the passage near the Isola 2000 station… a sign that Italy is very close. The “red lakes”, the rough decoration of the stones reveal all the mineral beauty of the mountain marking the entrance to the “Parco Alpi Marittime”, the hunting territory of King Emmanuel II. The paved paths of this reserve, its colorful flora and endemic fauna constitute a magical setting. Arrival at the Questa refuge at 2388 meters guarantees a starry night. The next day, the striking spectacle of the sheer mountains. In the saddle, the Génépi guides the horses' step towards the hunting lodge of King Victor-Emmanuel II and the thermal baths of Valdieri. This spa complex dates back to the first half of the 16th century. In 1588, the municipality of Valdieri erected the first establishment for baths commonly used in 1755 by King Charles Emmanuel III. These sulphurous waters at 34 degrees and the hearty dinner at the hotel allow you to pleasantly recover from two days of riding. On the last day, the crossing is made by the "Fremamorte" in the shadow of the Argentera at 3400 meters then the dead valley and its lakes with turquoise waters ... Unheard of. The Frémamorte pass at 2600 meters announces the French border and the end of this adventure with the Molière valley and the Salèse pass.
We ask all riders to be comfortable at all paces and do not accept beginners. The ride takes place in the mountains, and it is essential to have good physical condition. All descents are done walking; these can last up to 2 hours and involve up to a thousand meters of elevation change.
It is possible to book an additional night at the end of the ride. We can also organize a transfer from the train station or airport.